Games101: Computer Graphics-Week 1
1. Why study Computer Graphics?
- Applications: Video Games, Movies, Animations, Design, Visualization, VR&AR, Digital Illustration, Simulation, GUI, Typography
- Fundamental Intellectual Challenges
- Creates and interacts with realistic virtual world
- Requires understanding of all aspects of physical world
- New computing methods, displays, technologies
- Technical Challenges
- Math of (perspective) projections, curves, surfaces
- Physics of lighting and shading
- Representing / operating shapes in 3D
- Animation / simulation
- 3D graphics software programming and hardware
2. Course Topics (mainly 4 parts)
- Rasterization(光栅化)
将3D 物体投影到并展示到屏幕上
- Curves and Meshes
How to represent geometry in Computer Graphics.
- Ray Tracing(光线追踪)
Shoot rays from camera though each pixel , Calculate intersection and shading, and rays will continue bounce till they hit light sources.
- Animation / Simulation
- Key frame Animation
- Mass-spring System
3. Graphics IDE的推荐:
- 推荐:VS,VSC
- 不推荐:CLion, Eclipse / Sublime, Vi/Vim, Emacs
Games101: Computer Graphics-Week 1